Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Kill me or STOP talking 'bout Marriage!

I think I'm too bored to talked about this f*cking topic at all

Everyone knows that getting married is a major life decision. 
Yet people have different ways of knowing when the time is right to get married 
and who to marry

How did you decide to get married? 

Of course..
There are more than one issues for anyone to consider 
before making the decision to spend the rest of your life with someone

Why are they so serious 'bout this topic?
I'm still 23 years old now ( Well, 24 yo actually :p )
and I'm happy with this-free-relationship

"The age of reason is different from the age of majority. 
It is believed by many experts that the age of reason comes about the age of 25 and that couples should wait until they are at least 25 years old before they marry."

 So, I have more than one year to get married, right?
Surely right :p

OMG I start to talking 'bout that topic
Haha x_x

Well, it's kinda like I really don't care about it,
but actually, I just waiting...
Waiting for the right time and the right person.
I believe that God must have a wonderful plan for me
and for YOU :)


Andai engkau tahu betapa ku mencinta
Selalu menjadikanmu isi dalam doaku
Ku tahu tak mudah menjadi yang kau pinta
Ku pasrahkan hatiku, takdir kan menjawabnya

Jika aku bukan jalanmu
Ku berhenti mengharapkanmu
Jika aku memang tercipta untukmu
Ku kan memilikimu, jodoh pasti bertemu

Jika aku (jika aku) bukan jalanmu
Ku berhenti mengharapkanmu
Jika aku memang tercipta untukmu
Ku kan memilikimu
(jika aku bukan jalanmu)
Ku berhenti mengharapkanmu
Jika aku memang tercipta untukmu
Ku kan memilikimu, jodoh pasti bertemu

-Jodoh Pasti Bertemu-

4 komentar:

  1. so your wish is to get married in one year?
    the right time to save up

    your upset, coz some people around u asks u
    "when are you getting married?"

    i know its annoying

    at first its annoying

    but as u get older

    u would wish u could get married ASAP

    trust me

    and another thing, if u get married young
    u would have more time
    seeing your kids growing up

    1. my wish is to get married now! haha.
      jd di 25 udah punya anak, haha, plin plan yang nulisnya >.<"

      Intinya, kapanpun, siapapun, terserah Allah..
      Saya manut saja :D

      then, when are you getting married, brother?
      Mau jadi pager ayu nih.. hoho
